sysmoOCTSIM 8 slot smart card reader

The success of sysmocom’s sysmoQMOD board made us think about a reliable, compact and economic solution to serve multiple SIM cards for sysmoQMOD or other targets that work with remote SIM cards

The sysmoOCTSIM is a carrier board for up to 8 SIM cards in 2FF (Mini-SIM) format.

sysmoOCTSIM can be combined with the sysmoQMOD (quad mPCIE modem with built-in remote SIM function) and the osmo-remsim software to build complete end-to-end remote SIM systems. This allows the alternating use of multiple SIMs with each of the modem by switching between those SIMs via software.


To get more information about the sysmoOCTSIM, please visit the product page

Osmocom CNI successfully integrated with Amarisoft eNodeB and EPC , interoperating with CSFB and SMS-over-SGs

sysmocom has successfully tested Circuit Switched Fallback (CSFB) and SMS-over-SGs interoperability of the Amarisoft eNodeB and EPC with the Osmocom CNI stack. CSFB and SMS-over-SGs support have been implemented in the Osmocom stack mainly by providing the SGs interface, which bridges the 4G MME to the 2G/3G MSC.

With CSFB and SMS-over-SGs it is now possible to operate 2/3/4G networks based on Amarisoft and Osmocom components. As both implementations have implemented SGs and CFSB based on 3GPP TS 29.118 and 3GPP TS 23.272, we are confident regarding interoperability with other CSFB components' vendors.


sim cards back in stock

We are lucky to announce, that our famous sysmoUSIM cards are in stock again and you can easily order them via our webshop As we had several requests in larger quantities, please take also in consideration that we are able to produce cards with your settings (starting from 500pc) or with your artwork (starting from 1000pc) or with your complete own profile. Challenge us with your request.


sysmocom webshop reopened

The good news is that we found a temporary workaround related to the various changes in shipping introduced by our shipping provider, Deutsche Post.

So as of now, only two days after having to close it, we are re-opening the webshop and are accepting new orders.

We still need to introduce plenty of changes such as talking to new APIs, rewriting the shipping integration software for our ERP system, integrating printers, etc. - which will all distract us from developing Open Source mobile communications - but at least we can now do that while the shop is still running.

sysmocom webshop temporarily closed

NOTE: This post only applies to the sysmocom webshop which we operate as a service to the wider user and developer communities around Osmocom and other open source and open hardware projects. The sysmocom sales department is still selling the professional portfolio products via normal sales channels as before!

Unfortunately our shipping carrier, Deutsche Post (the German post office) has decided to change pretty much all aspects related to international shipments from January 1st, 2019. Those changes start from not being able to send goods in letters anymore, introducing new types of shipping products that are not an exact replacement of the old services, requiring completely different shipping labels in different size/format, differences in terms of insurance coverage, etc.

Despite sysmocom shipping more than 600 webshop orders per year with Deutsche Post, and us using the existing APIs for electronic purchase and franking of shipments, we have not been informed in advance of those changes coming into effect on January 1st, 2019.

We are now studying to understand all related changes, which involves (as we can tall so far):

  • signing a new contract with Deutsche Post

  • change/rewrite our software for generating franking / shipping labels (which we of course released as open source software)

  • purchasing of new label printers and labels to accomodate the significantly larger label formats

  • rewriting the shipping rate calculator for our webshop taking into account all the new constraints and rules

The webshop has to remain closed until this is completed. We don't have an expected date when it will reopen, but it's likely going to be closed for at least all of January 2019.

Please refrain from inquiring sysmocom about purchasing related products until the webshop reopens. We do not have the resources to manually process orders outside our (until now) streamlined and automatized webshop order process.

Thanks for your patience.