sysmoOCTSIM 8 slot smart card reader
The success of sysmocom’s sysmoQMOD board made us think about a reliable, compact and economic solution to serve multiple SIM cards for sysmoQMOD or other targets that work with remote SIM cards
The sysmoOCTSIM is a carrier board for up to 8 SIM cards in 2FF (Mini-SIM) format.
sysmoOCTSIM can be combined with the sysmoQMOD (quad mPCIE modem with built-in remote SIM function) and the osmo-remsim software to build complete end-to-end remote SIM systems. This allows the alternating use of multiple SIMs with each of the modem by switching between those SIMs via software.

To get more information about the sysmoOCTSIM, please visit the product page