sysmoNITB Starter Kit with multi RAT support

sysmocom announces the new sysmoNITB Starter Kit with support for 2G, 3G and 4G basestations at the same time.
The sysmoNITB Starter Kit is well known for lab usage. In the last years, we received multiple requests to support more than one RAT and even to support 4G. Now we are able to fulfill these requests. On the sysoNITB you find the well known Osmocom Software and - if 4G is selected - Open5gs, completely configured for the basestations which are ordered within the sysmoNITB Starter Kit and with commisioned SIM cards, so the Starter Kit is ready to run within a very short time.
With the sysmoNITB Starter Kit all permutations of basestations together with a singe core network and single HLR are possible. This helps you in development, test and monitoring of UE in lab environments. For existing customers of the sysmoNITB, an upgrade to an additional RAT is possible. Contact us for further requests.