sysmoNITB GSM-R Lab Solution
Starting a GSM-R Network in your lab

sysmoNITB GSM-R lab solution is the ideal starting point for the evaluation, develompent and test of GSM-R equipment. We provide the network part and GSM-R enabled SIM cards.
This helps in developing GSM-R enabled user equipment (UE) with:
interoperability testing
security research
functional testing
In 1992 the UIC (Union Internationale des Chemins de fer) started the EIRENE (European Integrated Railway Radio Enhanced Network) project, which steers and coordinates the speficication of GSM-R as a replacement for existing analog mobile networks. Since 2006, this devopment is coordinated in the ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) project.
The goal of the specification is mainly to specifiy frequencies and additional features to GSM which are necessary for the specific use case:

Data Communication
between devices on trains and near tracks, EDOR (ETCS Data Only Radio), which are used for train control within ETCS (European Train Control System). EDORs are part of the EVC(European Vital Computer) on train side and RBC (Radio Block Centre) in the railway control centers. The ETCS communication uses Circuit Switched Data (CSD).
sysmoNITB GSM-R Lab solution implements CSD for both modes of operation:
CSD mobile to mobile
CSD to ISDN (v.110)
This provides the possibility to develop, test and security check EDOR in EVC and RBC.
Voice Communication
for personnel using different devices (Cab Radio, General Purpose Handheld, Operational / Shunting Radio) for different purposes in trains and along tracks. Im addition to normal GSM based voice communication, GSM-R defines Advanced Speech Call Items (ASCI): Voice Broadcast Service (VBS) and Voice Group Call Service (VGSC).
The sysmoNITB GSM-R Lab Solution supports ASCI including NCH (Notification channel) broadcast, multi-cell mobility and multiple concurrent calls.
This allows to test GSM-R voice compliant UE for functionality and security like fault tolerant signalling and encryption on air interface.
GSM-R SIM cards
MORANE (MObile radio for RAilway Networks in Europe) specifies changes/additions to normal GSM SIM cards to support GSM-R networks. sysmocom is able to deliver GSM-R enabled SIM cards even in smaller quantities.
Individual Offerings
If you are interested in using sysmoNITB GSM-R Lab Solution contact. us to find out your requirements for the selection of the suiting components to set up your lab's GSM-R network efficient and economically in short time.